"Actively seek partnership opportunities with other smaller rural housing associations"
Recognising the value of collaboration and partnership, English Rural continued to work with other smaller housing associations during the year.
These are transactional relationships, where English Rural make available expertise of the staff team on a commercial basis. There is a careful balance to be struck where capacity made available is not over-reached to the extent that it impacts on our own performance. The fee income generated is applied to delivering on agreed purpose and an important part of the Value for Money approach. During the year we worked with three other housing associations and secured income of £35k.
Aside from the fee income, the motivation behind this approach is to help others deliver on their potential, which secures more affordable rural homes and aligns a mutual purpose.
English Rural’s reputation as a trusted partner and honest broker is integral to success. During the year our model of partnership working was shared with others and influenced projects separately undertaken by the Rural Housing Alliance and National Housing Federation Smaller HA Group.
The longstanding partnership with NFVHA evolved during the year as they joined the English Rural Group as a subsidiary. This action was initiated by the NFVHA Board and completed after a detailed due diligence process. Within the Group, NFVHA have access to more support services from English Rural and secure better value for money as central costs are shared or jointly negotiated. NFVHA retains and independent identity as a separate housing association and established local brand presence. English Rural has greater confidence to invest its own resources in the New Forest District, increasing the overall combined capacity that can be applied to build more affordable rural homes there.
14 homes under construction via development partnership
£35k fee income generated that can be reinvested to build more affordable homes
Merger of New Forest Villages Housing Association (NFVHA) into the English Rural Group
Partnership working benefits promoted to housing association peers
An affordable rural home in the Cotswolds from our partner, Cirencester Housing
>> As English Rural’s own ambitions have increased, the capacity to provide services to others has come under pressure. Proactively managing this has become more important and this has been considered during the review each business area has carried out to staffing levels and structure.
>> One barrier that remains to improve partnership working is a cultural resistance across the housing association sector, particularly smaller housing associations forming strategic partnerships. The approach adopted by English Rural needs to understand this and we must maintain our position as a trusted and genuine ally, which reflects our internal culture and aspirations.