from Pam Reynolds
As Chair of English Rural, it is an honour to present our Annual Report for 2022/23. Reflecting on the past year, the exceptional resilience, unwavering commitment, and strong unity shown by all stakeholders in our mission to serve rural communities across England truly stands out.
Despite an ever-changing landscape of challenges, English Rural has demonstrated considerable growth and tenacity. We have strategically extended our reach and impact through targeted mergers and transfers with likeminded rural organisations, along with an ambitious development programme. A driving principle behind our growth has been our unwavering focus on value for money, which ensures our critical investment decisions contribute to providing safer, energy-efficient homes and more professional expertise to support our residents.
The economic and operational headwinds have not deterred us; instead, they have underlined the importance of preserving our financial strength while not losing sight of our core purpose. We have felt the pressures that the current economic environment exerts on our residents, particularly those in low-income households. With them in mind, we made a vital decision to support below-inflation rent reviews, allocating an unprecedented budget to help those households most vulnerable.
As we approach the new year, it is time for consolidation, time to fully embed our recent changes, ensuring they translate into tangible enhancements for our residents. An essential part of this is harnessing technology and data, optimising our operations and gaining deeper insights into our residents' needs. We are also intensifying our efforts to ensure compliance and address pressing issues, such as damp and mould in homes, continuing our commitment to invest in enhancing our residents' living conditions.
Our continued investment in research and advocacy, highlighted by the successful launch of our impactful rural homelessness research, remains a cornerstone in illuminating the pressing issues in rural housing. The output of this research underscores our mission's importance and the positive change we can effect in rural communities.
English Rural has proudly embraced the updated NHF Code of Governance, reflecting our commitment to uphold the highest standards of accountability and integrity. These changes, coupled with a transition to a new term structure for Board Members, are testimonies of our dedication to sound governance and sustainable growth.
I am profoundly grateful to our dedicated team at English Rural, our partners, stakeholders, and, most importantly, our residents, whose efforts and trust have shaped our accomplishments over the past year. Your unwavering commitment and belief in our shared mission continue to provide the clarity and direction we need to progress forward.
As we embark on a new year, we are heartened by the knowledge that our work significantly impacts rural communities' lives. Together, we can continue striving towards a more inclusive, resilient, and prosperous future for rural England.
Thank you for your unwavering support and faith in English Rural.
In the face of adversity, we remain united by our mission to support rural England's heart - its communities. Together, we can build brighter futures, one home at a time.
Chair, English Rural