English Rural's Online Scrutiny Group
Some of you may be aware that there is a ‘Residents Scrutiny Group’ that is made up entirely of residents who are independent of English Rural.
The role and progress of this group are reported regularly in the newsletter. They meet formally once a year, report back on regional performance twice a year and are led by an elected Chair. The Group scrutinises operational performance, feeding directly into the governance process. The group identifies service priorities and ensures progress is made via a work programme which English Rural implement and report on.
Due to the diverse geographical locations of many residents, it was decided to extend the current Scrutiny Group by inviting residents to join a ‘virtual’ Online Resident Scrutiny Group. This will give a voice to more English Rural residents and ensure a wider network of residents are represented.
A reminder of why we do what we do
In October 2019, the online Resident’s Scrutiny Group was set up. The group currently consists of 20 residents and 4 members of English Rural staff. Since then, it has already been working on many virtual projects. The first task was to register, test and then feedback thoughts on the new residents portal. The constructive feedback was then implemented within the portal where appropriate.
The virtual group have also been tasked to discuss and feedback on this year’s rent review and English Rural's response to the current Covid-19 crisis.
The Resident Scrutiny Groups are our chance as residents to put our perspective on things that English Rural are doing.
If you would like to be involved in the English Rural Scrutiny Group and have your say, please contact your Regional Housing Manager for more information: